ACAN Annual Meeting
ACAN’s Annual Meeting is where ACAN members gather together to exchange time, resources, strategies, and solutions. This event is packed with learning, growth, and inspiration that equips attendees with a year’s worth of ideas that they can implemented in their jobs immediately.
Pathways to Becoming a Court-Appointed Neutral
This virtual program helps people learn what it takes to become a court-appointed neutral; what judges look for when they choose court-appointed neutrals; and how both the profession and training for it is about to change.
Court-Appointed Neutral 101
This training brings together new trainees with more experienced court-appointed neutrals and judges to create not just an education program but mentoring pods that work together to continue learning from each other and helping each other advance.
Incubator Training - The ACAN Class of '23
In early 2023, ACAN will be conducting a new incubator program designed to combine training with a mentoring pod to advance the careers and professional development of both our new members and our experienced members. A draft of the concept for the program is available here. Please send any comments you have on this new idea to ACAN Executive Director Merril Hirsh,
Save the Date!
March 11-14, 2026
Berkeley, California
March 5-8, 2025
ACAN Annual Meeting - A 20th Anniversary Celebration
Washington, D.C.
March 7-9, 2024
ACAN Annual Meeting - Making It Happen
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
March 10, 2023
Training Program: Successful "CAN"-ING (held in conjunction with the ACAN Annual Meeting)
San Diego, California
March 10-12, 2023
ACAN Annual Meeting
San Diego, California
May 4, 2022
Special Master 101 Training (held in conjunction with ACAM’s Annual Meeting)
Atlanta, Georgia
May 4-6, 2022
ACAM Annual Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia